
The tradition of yoga is not just a practice for fit and healthy individuals but for everyone, of every ability, of every age, at any stage in life.
Whilst many are drawn to yoga because of the physical benefits, it is the subtle practices available to everyone that lead to the greater benefits.
Adopting a friendlier attitude towards the body opens up the possibilities to watch, to listen and observe its needs.
Becoming more aware of the breath and its influence on our wellbeing gives us the insight we need to make changes for the better.
Watching the chattering mind allows us to step back and become more aware of a more spiritual nature.
It is time to revive the idea that yoga is not gymnastics but a way of life that leads to personal development of mind, body and spirit.
Insight yoga is a gentle approach for all ages, particularly suited to those seeking a more profound Mind-Body connection. It encourages questioning and allows space for answers to appear; giving us a glimpse of what is possible both physically and mentally. It advocates safe individual practice by assuring that the physical postures are carried out in the right state of mind. Inquiries will lead us to make the right changes for the individual, giving us a clearer overall picture.
Leave behind your mental clutter and immerse yourself in the moment.
Question your body’s habitual behaviour and find ways of releasing old patterns.
Watch, Wait and Listen.
Liz Hoare (Trimurti) trained with the British Wheel of Yoga and has over 35 years experience teaching Yoga and Meditation for adult education institutes and other organisations, as well as running seminars and private classes. Working with people of all ages and all abilities.
- Announcing the publication of a new book to support the better breathing courses and for anyone interested in improving their breathing.
- BREATHTAKING. Improve your breathing for better health is available from bookstores worldwide including Amazon and Waterstones.
- If when you have read it, you feel that you would like to leave a review that would be greatly appreciated. Reviews can be copied and pasted from Amazon to Waterstones and other websites. Thank you for your support.
- Our WhatsApp group is open to all and is a great way to share ideas, ask questions and give feedback. If you would like to join please email me your mobile number and download the app so that I can invite you to the group.
- Why not try the Calming breath meditation to help combat stress and anxiety? There are also free Meditation audio practices as downloads in our Media section. Go to Media at the top and then select the Audio & Video sub section.
- Would you like to create your own sequence for a regular home practice? To get started, read the Yamas and Niyamas section in the classical yoga/ meditation section. Once you have selected a theme for your sequence, go to the media/ audio/visual section for some ideas to get started.
- A list for further reading is now available in our Reading Room. We would like you to feel free to send us any recommendations or written reviews that we could possibly include or link to.
- I would like to thank my son Bill for his tireless patience in helping me with the technology and teaching me the skills I need to maintain this site. I also could not do any of this without our dear friend Joe Blumenow who helps with all website problems.
- Love and Maitri.