Countdown to 2024.

Countdown to 2024.


In the space between winter solstice and new year, there is a time where we can reflect on the closure of the old year and look back at the past with an open mind to remind ourselves of the lessons we have learnt. Whether we judge them to be good or bad doesn’t matter. What matters is that we use these lessons to find our way forward.


Sometimes the harshest of life’s lessons can take their toll on our well-being and we might choose to forget them but so often they are repeated under a slightly different guise until eventually we allow them to reshape us as the process of transformation continues.


Nothing stays the same, no matter how we wish it could or not, we evolve through life experiences, we age, we shape shift, we change. What we should remember is that we are choosing how we adapt to life events, and we choose who we become as a result of these lessons.


We are in desperate need of some wise souls to become a source of inspiration for our collective evolution. These wise ones are simply ordinary people who made that choice. 

They become great because they choose wisdom and are not afraid to stand out.


It is you or me if we are brave enough to choose it. 


We may not consider ourselves good enough or wise enough but nor did any of those who came before. We are all just trying to live our lives as best we can. To support our families and our neighbours and to be the best we can be.


This year a great teacher of mine died. She was a formidable woman, powerful, sometimes quite brutal in the lessons she taught. She was by no means perfect but that didn’t stop her from generously handing down her knowledge and wisdom. Her life was dedicated to the path of yoga and sharing this ancient tradition with genuine aspirants.


Her passing left a big gap. It will never be the same without her and yet her wisdom is carried forward in the many teachers who knew her.


One of her heroines was Maya Angelou, who’s photos graced the wall of her kitchen. 


My wonderful Nada Yoga teacher shared this quote with us which is so fitting.


“And when great souls die,


After a period, peace blooms, 


Slowly and always irregularly.


Spaces fill with a kind of soothing electric vibration.


Our senses, restored, never to be the same, whisper to us.


They existed. They existed. “


(My thanks to Krishnadhyanam for sharing this with us)



Let’s make this year the one where we make good choices and become the great people we have the potential to be. 

Whatever contribution we make, however small, we will fill those spaces left by those who came before us. 


It seems like new years come round more quickly these days!

I wish you all a very happy new year and may the power of transformation become a feature in all of our lives.

Be strong. Be kind. Be the best you can be.


And speaking of those electric vibrations, now would be a good time to revisit the chakras and wade through the murky waters in search of the light.

This will be our class theme for the start of classes in 2024.

Unless you decide otherwise?

The choice is ours!

Published by liz on Saturday, 30 December 2023, last updated on Saturday, 30 December 2023 at 12:26PM
Categories: Yoga Times

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