Filtered by Category: Yoga of Dreams

Monday, 11 November 2013


  Dreams. Chuang Tse a Chinese philosopher. once dreamt that he was a butterfly. On waking, he said to himself "Now am I a man dreaming that I am a butterfly, or am I a butterfly that thinks I am Chuang?" When you dream you see the events of fifty years within an hour. You actually feel that fifty years have passed. Which is correct, the time of one hour of waking consciousness or the the fifty years of dreamung consciousness? Both are correct. ...


Categories: Yoga of Dreams

Monday, 11 November 2013

Lucid Dreaming

  Dream sleep is so distinct in its nature from either deep sleep or wakefulness that it is often referred to as paradoxical sleep, for whilst the blood pressure rises, the pulse quickens, and the brainwaves become remarkably similar to those when we are awake, the rest of the body, except for the rapid movement of the eyes (REM) and tiny spasms and twitching of the fingers and toes, becomes virtually paralyzed. It is thought that this is nature's way of...


Categories: Yoga of Dreams

Monday, 11 November 2013

Preliminary Practices for Working with Dreams

  I would like to share some of my recent experiences and reflections on the Yoga of Dreams. This is a practice that requires commitment and I am not always as commited as I would like to be. However setting a realistic goal is important for all of us. I often fall asleep early on winters nights so any regular practice needs to be done ideally on nights when I am less tired. Choosing days when I know I have less work commitments and selecting those night...


Categories: Yoga of Dreams

Monday, 11 November 2013

Preparation for Dreams and Sleep

Some of the Yoga texts suggest that we should leave nothing unresolved or unsettled at the end of the day. In theory sleep represents an ending and as such is symbolic of death. (The death of the day in this case.) It is suggested that all conflict should be resolved with quarrels settled and wrongs righted or forgiven so that when we enter the dream state we are free to persue more meaningful threads which lead us eventually towards enlightened states of consciousn...


Categories: Yoga of Dreams

Monday, 11 November 2013

Some input from Dinesh

I once heard about a tribe that lived out its dreams. What they did was encourage from a very young age children to dream vividly and learn to remember the dreams. On awaking they would go and see an elder and recite the dream as they remembered it. Then would come a process of understanding that the elder would discuss and encourage reflection. From this process the dreamer would understand himself or herself and relate to the reality. If it was that the dream i...


Categories: Yoga of Dreams

Monday, 11 November 2013

Tibetan Buddhist Prayer

This Tibetan Buddhist prayer explains it well. When the state of dreaming has dawned, Do not lie in ignorance like a corpse Enter the natural sphere of unwavering attentiveness Recognize your dreams and transform illusion into luminosity Do not sleep like an animal Do the practice which mixes sleep and reality It is possible that in practising the art of lucid or conscious dreaming during sleep, we can also develop our understanding of the dreamworld ...


Categories: Yoga of Dreams